Monday, November 22, 2010

25 Weeks

The twenty-fifth week of my pregnancy starts today.  I just scheduled my glucose testing for next week.  I am not really looking forward to that test, however I know that it is very important in order to ensure a healthy baby. 

Speaking of healthy babies, River (the lap cat) came down with a cold this past week.  I finally took him to the vet today because he wasn't getting any better.  Now he has antibiotics that he'll need to take, but he should be back to his old self in no time.  I can tell just how miserable he is because he's extra quiet and just looks like he feels terrible.  A runny nose & eyes will do that, I guess!

I accidently slept through much of today.  I suppose I can use the excuse that it is just a side effect of being pregnant.  Maybe that is true, but I know that I just simply get that way sometimes, especially when I'm feeling stressed out with life.  It's been one of those times for me lately, but I got my nap in and now I am ready to pick myself up and keep working. 

I started a job at Habitat this past week.  I tried Bath & Body Works first, but I decided it wasn't the right job for me.  Habitat is a good place to work for the holidays, and I get to see Krista & Caitlin sometimes.

I can't believe it is already Thanksgiving week.  I am so unprepared for it to be the end of November already!  Another month and school is over... not to mention that it will be Christmas!  And then it will be time to get this move to Birdsboro started.  I plan to make it a long, slow process so that I am not stressed out by it.  I can't wait for the new year to begin so that I get my husband back.  He's working non-stop right now, but I know that is just the downside of the 4th quarter in retail.  But once that is over, I will finally have the company (and help and support) that I need.

In the meantime, I am going to go prepare for Ken's arrival home.  I am making dinner tonight, and I am already behind on getting that started.  So I'm off!

Thursday, October 28, 2010


I've decided to start a blog about our family.  Ken and I will both have access, so we can come here and write a bit about our lives, experiences, and whatever else we feel like.  As a soon-to-be Mom, I'm sure I'll want to add lots of things about our little one.  I just felt that it was time to have a place to store our thoughts so that we can look back at them and see how we have grown and changed - as a family!

That is all for now... but I'm sure I'll be back to write more soon!
